In this context our main approach was to build.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse egestas, est at aliquam congue, purus nunc egestas diam, sed blandit nisl nisl id tortor.
Wonderful Serenity Has Taken Possession
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse egestas, est at aliquam congue, purus nunc egestas diam, sed blandit nisl nisl id tortor.
A Kentucky woman who was accused last year.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse egestas, est at aliquam congue, purus nunc egestas diam, sed blandit nisl nisl id tortor.
Dating to Display Jesus
Dating is dead. So says the media. Girls, stop expecting guys to make any formal attempt at winning your affections. Don’t sit around waiting for a boy to make you a priority, communicate his inten ...
God’s Wisdom
God’s Word really does open up to us the mysteries of the universe. It really does make us wiser than we could ever be without it. And yet, having said all this, it's sad that we don’t take more advan ...
Developing a Healthier Lifestyle
Genesis 1:31 tells us that, “God saw all that He had made, and it was very good.” As we leap into another year and experience a fresh start to the calendar, Scripture provides us with an abundance of ...
Strawberry Salsa
Last night I enjoyed a fresh, light, yet satisfying dinner of Zoodles topped with my Strawberry Salsa recipe. I basically created this easy salsa recipe as I was chopping up what veggies I had on h ...
Added and Natural Sugar Difference
Sugar is an ingredient we all know that we should be eating sparingly — too much sugar is never good for you. But there are actually two very different types of “sugar”: naturally occurring sugars and ...
At the End Die Well
“Just thinking about D-Day,” the old man replied. I had noticed him walk into the coffee shop, his back hunched over almost parallel to the ground. He took his seat and immediately, almost choreogr ...
Pray for Nepal
Suraj Kasula, who we called Nepal’s most unlikely church planter, sent us this update on the devastating 7.9-magnitude earthquake that hit his homeland this weekend and the heavy monsoon rains and flo ...